I was a little nervous to drop her off because the last few months of preschool, she would cry when I first dropped her off. I wasn't sure how she would react to kindergarten. I tried to not make such a big deal out of it, because she's too smart for that. But, she did get brand new shoes and a brand new backpack which I think helped a lot. The night before it took me at least 30-45 minutes to get her to sleep because she was "so excited!"
Here is a picture of her with her new shoes and new backpack.
A closer look at her pink camo backpack (wish I wouldn've taken a better picture of her shoes. They are so cool!)
Here she is being silly.
I think she feels a little more comfortable at this school because we are within walking distance. It's on the same street as us, about 3 minutes of walking time. So, we walked to school for her first day, since she has afternoon kindergarten we have to time to do that.
Once we got there, we waited for her teacher to come to the back gate and let the kids in. It's a closed campus, so unless you go through the office, you are not allowed in. I love that. Once her teacher came, Savannah gave me five kisses and two hugs and went through the gate to stand in line.
Here's another shot where you can actually see her teacher too. I was shooting through the chain link fence, so it was a bit of a challenge.
I have to admit, I got a little choked up while she was standing there. Not as much as when she started preschool, but a little bit. I turned to the mom next to me as I started to say "I think it's harder on us than them," when I noticed she was bawling. Her son was so cute though. His little brother who was about 2 1/2 was crying so he says to him "When I get home, we'll play roller coaster like 5 times!" Every one was saying "Ah..." when the dad says, "Yah, who do you think the roller coaster is?" LOL!
I waved to Savannah a couple more time before her teacher told the kids to blow us kisses. As soon as she was out of site, I walked home.
When I picked her up, I asked if she had fun. She said that she did, so I asked her, "Do you want to talk about it?"
"No," she said.
"Okay." So much like her daddy. Everything is on a "need-to-know" basis, and I guess I just didn't need to know. LOL!
I was so excited for her first day, and I know she was too. The best way that I could've and did prepare her was by praying and letting her know that Jesus and His angels would be with her. I just trusted Him that she would be fine, and she was. It was also comforting to know that she was exactly where the Lord wanted her to be.
Thank you, Jesus, for the beautiful little girl that I have the privilage of calling my daughter. Thank you that you love her more than I ever could and that you always have her best interest at heart.