Friday, September 1, 2006

HSG - Unsuccessful...

Unfortunately, the HSG today was unsuccessful. The doctor that was performing the procedure was unable to get the catheter into my uterus because of an "obstruction" in my cervix. This probably means that there is scar tissue covering my cervix. The procedure was very painful, but the part that hurt the worst was the not knowing. I cried in the bathroom because I was pretty devastated that there is scar tissue that low. I'm also at a loss as what to do.

I've sent an email to the specialist telling him about today's events, and I'm hoping he'll get back to me pretty quickly (he usually does.) I really didn't want to have to go back to my ob, but that is probably what I have to do. Hopefully he's not such an idiot that he doesn't take this as a clear sign that I have Asherman's. I pray that he understands what is going on and refers me to the specialist as soon as possible.

So, keep those prayers coming. I still have hope that this will all work out.


  1. I'm so sorry Tami. I guess at least you now have "proof" that there is something wrong for your ob even if the dye couldn't show it.

    Big hugs to you...

  2. Oh, Tami...I am so sorry that the HSG wasn't successful. I am thinking of you and keep us posted on what the specialist has to say.


  3. Thanks girls. I love that you two are checking up on me. *sniffle, sniffle* :D
