I'm not sure why I chose to volunteer to be a Team Mom. I think I just wanted that experience since I grew up with my mom usually being the Team Mom for my brothers' teams. I myself never played soccer. I was the gymnast. I thought it would be fun to take on that role. Which it has been. Well, kind of.
There is a "kink" so to speak, in my Team Mom status. Mostly that my kid refuses to play the game. Practices go wonderfully. She loves to kick the ball back and forth to her team mates. She even likes to dribble the ball down the field into the goal. However, as soon as Coach starts a scrimmage game, she runs off the field in a pout. She looks at me and says "I don't want to play that game." Um. I hate to break it to you kiddo, but that IS the game.
Game days are so stressful for me. Wayne even told her that if she scored a goal, we'd go to Build-A-Bear. And honestly, had she joyfully played even one quarter we would have taken her. She was excited last night to play because she is good and I was pretty sure that if she played she would score. However, we get to the field and all the sudden she starts her pout and again, refuses to go on the field. This, of course, upsets her daddy, and reasonably so. Not only were we one player short today, but we've vested time and money into this. And she wanted to play soccer this year! *sigh*
I'm not sure exactly what to do. I know that a few things need to change at home (I coddle her way too much) but I'm at a loss at what to do on game days. I seriously am dreading next Saturday. I guess I just need to offer it up to the Lord (in the grand picture of things, this is really no big deal) and pray that the changes that I know He wants us to make will make a difference in just six short days.
Any suggestions are welcome.
BTW - Her team name is Flutter Power. I'll have to upload some pictures of her first game. She at least played one quarter then. Of course, I was on the field because the coach had to leave early. Oh, and in case you are going to say I should go on the field with her, that's not an option. I think that is part of the problem. She doesn't feel that she can do anything without me (my fault *cough, cough*)
I played soccer when I was her age. I used to dig in the dirt during the game... My dad told me if I made a score he would buy me a puppy. What stress that was, I can still see myself dribbling towards the goal and thinking "What if I can't do it, I will never have a puppy"... I never got a dog.
ReplyDeleteI am sure Savannah will find her niche in time. You are there supporting her (good mommy), it should be fun, no STRESS for either or you.
I was thinking we were putting a lot of stress on her bribing her that way. I think it actually made it worse. :) Good to know I was right. LOL!
ReplyDeleteOur new rule is you either play or if you don't want to play, you need to cheer for your team. I think that is reasonable. That way there is no pressure for her to play, but she at least needs to support her team.