I lost 5 pounds this week! I'm currently 165 via my home scale. And honestly, it wasn't even that difficult. I love this not dieting just eating right thing. :)
Confession: I didn't move my body everyday, but I did stay away from fast food. (Well, I had Bob's Big Boy on Saturday, but that was after my brand new Sidekick phone got stolen. It was an emotional weak point, which I realize is one of the big reasons I overeat. I chalked it up to a learning experience and vowed to be good the rest of the week, which I was...)
Friday, October 17, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Temple of God
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
I have to humbly admit I've let my temple go. I know how it happened and it's something I've struggled with since probably high school. I remember going on my first diet around my sophomore year. It seems like ever since then I've had trouble keeping my weight in check. And honestly, it's just because I have such unhealthy eating habits. Not to mention the fact that I'm lazy. I don't want to claim that, but I do have to admit it.
So, I'm officially changing my ways TODAY! I'm hoping to update weekly with what I've done (or haven't done) to adopt a more healthy way of living for me as well as Savannah.
First: No more fast food. The only fast food I will allow myself or Savannah to consume (Wayne is on his own) is In-N-Out and that is only every once in awhile.
Second: Some sort of exercise every day. Even if it's just a walk around the block. This body will be moving.
I'm considering these next photos BEFORE photos. I want to post progress pictures, but I think I'll do that monthly instead of weekly. We'll see.
*deep breath* Here they are...
These may not seem all that horrible to you, and really they aren't. I am blessed with legs that work to go hiking, great friends, and a beautiful daughter, but I am honestly 30 pounds overweight. I currently weight, by my home scale, 170 pounds. I'd like to be around 140.
With the help of the Lord, I will be an overcomer. See you in a week!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Anyway, I recently signed Savannah up at the same gym I went to as a child. I knew one of the coaches there from my time on the team. After a few classes she approached me and asked if I wanted to coach gymnastics. I thought she was kidding. I said, "I haven't done gymnastics in a long time."
Her reply, "So?"
I asked, "Are you serious?"
"Yep. Do you want an application?"
So, I filled out the application figuring, what do I have to lose? The next night I did a try out period co-coaching with her and I loved it! I prayed about it and felt that the Lord was releasing me to make my own decision. So I decided to do it!
I have to admit, I was a bit nervous at first. These girls were doing things that I haven't done since high school (I took a couple of classes in high school to freshen up my abilities for cheerleading.) A lot of the terms have changed, but it was kind of like riding a bicycle. It all came back (to my head NOT to my body. I'm old!) pretty quickly!
Plus, I haven't had an official job since Savannah was born. I now have a boss and fellow employees. Weird. It's only once a week though. For now. ;)
I haven't officially started, but I've got a safety course under my belt. I actually start on Friday. I have a group of "babies" as they call them, which are 3-5 year olds and then an older class.
I'll let you know how it goes... :D
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