Friday, October 17, 2008

Weigh in....

I lost 5 pounds this week!  I'm currently 165 via my home scale.  And honestly, it wasn't even that difficult.  I love this not dieting just eating right thing.  :)

Confession: I didn't move my body everyday, but I did stay away from fast food.  (Well, I had Bob's Big Boy on Saturday, but that was after my brand new Sidekick phone got stolen.  It was an emotional weak point, which I realize is one of the big reasons I overeat.  I chalked it up to a learning experience and vowed to be good the rest of the week, which I was...)


  1. Good for you! I am sure you can do it.

  2. Wooo hooo!!
    Good for you! And Praise God for the encouragement of a 5 lb loss... makes it so much easier to keep it up!
    (Isn't it crazy how "easy" it is if you just eat right?-- that's what my original comment was trying to get at, in case I didn't get my point across.)
    Congrats to you, you BIG LOSER. :)

  3. I am so proud of you! You will do it I know...I love you

  4. Thanks for the encouragement, ladies!

    Jenn, I understood what you meant in your last post. And I love being a Loser! :)

  5. Great Job Tami, keep up the good work. I think you are beautiful as always though.

  6. Have you noticed that I haven't blogged about it since? Yah. Stuck at the 5 lb. loss. Savannah and I getting sick really put a damper on things. At least that's the excuse I'm sticking with for now... :) Back on the wagon tomorrow though!
