Wednesday, October 4, 2006

The surgery is scheduled

I will receive my hysteroscopy with possible laparoscopy on Thursday, October 12th. I have my pre-op on the Tuesday before. My insurance said they will pay for 70% of the "allowable" amount, which means I'll have to pay for 30% up front, since the Dr. is out-of-network. But, let me make it clear. I WILL get that money back from the insurance company. They just don't know it yet. ;)

I'll try to update after the surgery to report what it looked like "in there." Thanks for keeping track of me, ladies. It means the world to me.


  1. I'm going to mark that on my calendar so I can "good healthy uterus" vibes. :) Good luck with the insurance, too! We've been fighting with ours for some of Adam's stuff, and it's worth it in the end. (even though I was ready to give up and pay the damn bill!)

  2. Good luck Tami! I shall be thinking of you!
