Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Invisible Children

I have no words.  The video says it all.  (This is only 1 of 6)

Edited to add their website: Invisible Children We can help, people.


  1. Tami-
    I've never seen these videos, but I know of Jason Russell and his work in Africa-- he's actually a friend of friend, so I've heard about his travels for a few years now. He was on Oprah a couple of years back, talking about kids who march at night into some protective place to avoid being kidnapped-- "children of the night" maybe? Can't remember what they were called. Anyway, incredible stories. And hard to believe that such atrocities are happening as we sit in our comfortable homes half a continent away. Have you watched all 6 videos? What is the end result-- what can we do to help??

  2. I have not watched all 6 videos, but I have a friend who actually worked with Invisible Children.

    You should check out their website There are a few things that we can do to help, starting with prayer!

  3. Tami! Thanks for posting this! ;)

  4. Oh, and to Jenn Hughs, I have seen all 6 videos. There really isn't an end result. These things are still happening right now. Just a couple of weeks ago more than 90 children were kidnapped by the rebels. But this movie did open the eyes to a lot (thousands) of people and is getting more people involved. Isn't that great? you can go to the website Tami said and you can donate money, buy bracelets, and buy clothing supporting this cause and the money will go to them!
