Wednesday, October 1, 2008


A little known fact to most people is that I used to be a competitive gymnast. I started when I was about three years old, I think, and quit when I was in the fifth grade.

Anyway, I recently signed Savannah up at the same gym I went to as a child.  I knew one of the coaches there from my time on the team.  After a few classes she approached me and asked if I wanted to coach gymnastics.  I thought she was kidding.  I said, "I haven't done gymnastics in a long time."

Her reply, "So?"

I asked, "Are you serious?"

"Yep.  Do you want an application?"

So, I filled out the application figuring, what do I have to lose?  The next night I did a try out period co-coaching with her and I loved it!   I prayed about it and felt that the Lord was releasing me to make my own decision. So I decided to do it!

I have to admit, I was a bit nervous at first.  These girls were doing things that I haven't done since high school (I took a couple of classes in high school to freshen up my abilities for cheerleading.) A lot of the terms have changed, but it was kind of like riding a bicycle.  It all came back (to my head NOT to my body.  I'm old!) pretty quickly!

Plus, I haven't had an official job since Savannah was born.  I now have a boss and fellow employees.  Weird.  It's only once a week though.  For now.  ;)

I haven't officially started, but I've got a safety course under my belt.  I actually start on Friday.  I have a group of "babies" as they call them, which are 3-5 year olds and then an older class.

I'll let you know how it goes...  :D


  1. Good for you. What gym are you working at? I hope you love it.

  2. Gymnastics Unlimited. I totally love it. My first day was last night. My only complaint is that I offered to do open gym last night so I was on my feet for 5 1/2 hours straight. Too much for my first day.

  3. Not that this has anything to do with you coaching gymnastics (although that is very cool! yay for you! :D *claps*), what was I saying again? OH, ya! I really really really want Summer to get into a gymnastics class! I wish I would've been in it from the time I was like 3 all throughout my teenage years. My friend does gymanstics and has been doing it for 12 years and does competition every spring somewhere in Texas I do believe!

  4. And I want Summy to be like that and do all those cool flips and what not! LOL

  5. It's expensive, though. It's $70 a month for one hour a week. Competitive gymnasts go between 12-20 hours a week! It is best to start them young, though. Plus, I'm not sure what the rates are in your area. You could probably wait until she's four. Can you have a job by then? LOL!
