Friday, August 11, 2006

Asherman's Syndrome

Make sure that you have read my previous post before you read this one. It is a continuation...

So, after bawling my eyes out, I decide that it is just stupid to have to wait 2 months to figure out if I have Asherman's. I need to know now. So, I call my midwife and leave a message saying that I want an ultrasound done (which I had actually already learned is not the way to diagnose Asherman's but it was a start) to see if Asherman's was a possibility. The next day I received a call from her and she got me in for an ultrasound and to see my ob/gyn.

Before going in, I went onto my new life line at the Asherman's support group and got the name of a wonderful doctor in Los Angeles that specializes in correcting Asherman's. I actually emailed him before I left telling him my story. Without even seeing me, he believes that I do indeed have Asherman's.

Anyway, I go into my current ob's office and they do the ultrasound where they find that my uterus at it's thickest point is only 3mm thick when it should be at least 8mm at that time in my cycle. I was also ovulating at the time which was good because it proved that I am ovulating.

My ob/gyn says that she wants to schedule a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) where they shoot dye into the uterus to check the lining and detect scaring and to see if the fallopian tubes are open. This test needs to be done on the 12th or 13th day of my cycle, which I was actually on at the time I was there. However, they couldn't do it that day, so I'll have to wait until next cycle.

I go home and decide that I should actually go into my clinic since they can refer me to an ob/gyn to do the procedure so that I don't have to pay any out of pocket. My current ob/gyn isn't in my network, so I'd have to pay 20%. My only concern now is getting insurance to pay for the specialist.

I call and get an appointment with my clinic, which I went into today. The doctor that I saw was not familiar with Asherman's but she did give me hope that my insurance will pay for the specialist. She gave me a referral to a local, in network ob/gyn of which I got an appointment for this Monday. Our hope is that this ob/gyn will confirm the diagnoses and then refer me to the specialist.

The reason I am so set on this specialist is because he has done 1000 Asherman's surgeries over the past 30 years. Less than 10% of his patients need more than one surgery. And the ones that do need more than one are usually the ones that went to another doctor first. If a doctor is not familiar with the procedure, they can actually make it worse. This is one fight I will not give up on, even if I have to pay for him out of my own pocket...

So, I will try to keep this blog updated as much as physically and emotionally possible.

Thanks, and much love!



  1. Anna (Brynna'sMommy)August 13, 2006 at 9:28 AM

    Good for you, Tami, for being so proactive on this. You will be in my prayers!


  2. Wow! I agree, its great you read up on it and pushed for an u/s. I'll definitely be thinking of you and keeping up with your journal!


  3. Tami,
    I just wanted you to know thatI think your strength and will are an inspiration... (((hugs)))

    Jaime (JMV318)
