Tuesday, August 15, 2006

My new ob...

I went and saw the in-network ob/gyn yesterday. I don't have much confidence in him at all. Luckily, he won't be the one treating me for Asherman's.

First, he was stuck on the fact that I nursed Savannah for so long. He mentioned that I still had milk in my breasts so that could affect my hormones. This is after I already told him that my prolactin levels were normal. Having milk in still in my breasts is not uncommon at all. There are women that haven't nursed for YEARS and they still have milk. Duh!

Then, after the exam, I went to talk to him in his office. He is requesting an HSG, but mostly because I told him to. He then proceeded to tell me to go ahead and continue trying to get pregnant. Are you kidding me? If I do have Asherman's, which there is a 99.9% chance that I do, I should not be getting pregnant. From Ashermans.org: "You would be at a higher risk of miscarriage, placenta previa, placenta increta, bleeding during pregnancy and stillbirth. It is recommended that women with Asherman's NOT attempt pregnancy until they have had their scar tissue removed. This is why it is advisable to use birth control until you and your doctor are confident you are scar-free."

I emailed the specialist to tell him that I did request my records be sent to him, so he should receive them within that next few weeks. I then told him that I'm hoping that this new doctor refers me straight to him as soon as the Asherman's is confirmed. He said that he'll call the doctor to try to "smooth over the transition process." I have been blessed!

Anyway. I'm sort of in limbo for the next few weeks since I can't even get the HSG for at least another 3. Once that gets done, assuming the radiologist does a good job with it, and the Asherman's is confirmed, I will go see the specialist. I'm praying (yes, praying. That's a post in and of itself) that this all happens pretty quickly after that and I will be pregnant by my birthday in February. I couldn't think of a better birthday present... :D


  1. What is it about some ob/gyns and breastfeeding. They mustn't be taught about it at school or something. At least the Asherman specialist has got his head screwed on! Duh - I had milk right up to when I got pg with this new one and I'd weaned Tim well and truly months ago.

    Good luck for the HSG anyway - hope it shows up some clear information so your specialist can work with it.

    Yeah... I wouldn't be getting pg in your situation either. Too much risk.

  2. Wow, I can't believe what the OB said about breastfeeding! I still had milk a YEAR after I weaned Sydney.

    I hope the next 3 weeks go by fast for you...thank goodness you have a great doctor waiting for you to treat the Asherman's!

  3. Thanks girls. It's a good thing I'm so knowledgable and question all doctors or I'd still be at square one!
