Monday, July 7, 2008

It's official. We're switching to the Foogo

After thinking about it all night and into the morning, and after reading Kristen's comment on my sippy cup post, I've decided that I am going to be purchasing more Foogos for Savannah.  What sealed the deal?  A post on Nature Mom's Blog.  I'd never read her blog before, but after doing a search in Google for eco friendly sippy cups, a link to another mom's blog led me to hers.  (Confused?  lol. )  Anyway.  I'll do a search to find the most cost efficient place to purchase these.  Anyone in the market for used Playtex Insulator sippy cups?  :D

1 comment:

  1. They do look funky! Tim really likes his "straw cup" but will drink from a normal cup or sipper bottle too. Lydia will try anything she sees her brother use! LOL!

    Thanks for giving me the heads up about your move ;)
